My lovers

My lovers

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

May Manzi

She is my aunt, she is a pediatrician doctor at the davila´s clinic. She is 54 years old and she studied at the university of Chile. She lives with my father and my cousins with a dog called Pom pom.
She works too much and never takes rest so she is always too tired, but that dont give up her becouse she so on all the time. If someone is sick although she is nos at work, she always help in every thing she can. Obviously when I am sick she treats me too.
Anyway my cousin loves animals like me, so she always arrive home with some pet she found at the street. Almost of the times, the pets are not good. For example one time my cousin arrives home with a dog that have been run over, so my aunt helps him even though she is not veterinarian and the little dog survive and now is living with another family.
That´s becouse I admire her, she has a lot of energy and good will!

3 comentarios:

  1. It's great to have people like your aunt in you family, I hope you follow her steps! Greetings!

  2. it's great to have somebody like her to admire :)

  3. She is my aunt, she is a pediatrician doctor at the davila´s clinic. She is 54 years old and she studied at the university of Chile. She lives with my father and my cousins with a dog called Pom pom.
    She works too much and never takes rest so she is always too tired, but that SVA dont give up her SP becouse she so on all the time. If someone is sick although she is SP nos at work, she always SVA help in every thing she can. Obviously when I am sick she treats me too.
    Anyway my cousin loves animals like me, so she always SVA arrive home with some pet she found at the street. WF Almost of the times, the pets are not good. For example one time my cousin arrives home with a dog that SVA have been run over, so my aunt helps him even though she is not veterinarian and the little dog survive and now is living with another family.
    That´s SP becouse I admire her, she has a lot of energy and good will!

    nice story, I agree with Richard it is great to have someone in your family you admire!
